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Central City Public Schools

Being a parent can be the most rewarding experience. But it can also be very challenging. Most parents need to have a support system in place to answer questions related to their child. One of the additional support systems in place is a team of professionals for parents that have questions regarding their child’s development. This is the Early Development Network team from ESU 7 that works with Central City Public Schools to serve our youngest group of children with individualized needs. These services are at no charge to the families and are provided by the public school system.
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Legislative Update

Legislative preview: The carryover bills As you read this, I will be back in Lincoln at my seat in the Nebraska Unicameral for the second half of the 108th Nebraska Legislature. By law, each year’s session begins on the first Wednesday after the first Monday of the new year, so there wasn’t much time between New Year’s Day 2024 and the beginning of legislative business for the year.
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Thank you for reading

Here we are, the last newspaper of 2023. In some ways it seems like the year just began, but in many ways it was a year that I was wishing would end some time ago. It has been a difficult year to some degree in my professional life, but more so in my personal life. It was a year of death and heartbreak, but it was also a year that brought us great love and compassion. It was a year when our family was put to the test and we showed our strength.
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From the Chamber

As we near the end of 2023 it is time to give thanks to our amazing chamber members and what they have done this year to promote our Central City area. Big or small, all have stepped up to support various events either with their monetary sponsorship or physical presence. Our holiday events including ”Rockin’Around the Holidays” is an example of this community support. We have had holiday drawings, store giveaways and discounts, sale events, Bison Bucks promotion, free movies, family fun day, “Deck” your Halls and the list goes on. None of this would have happened except our business community said “YES” when asked to participate.
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Legislative Update

It’s OK to say Merry Christmas It was December of 1965 when cartoonist Charles Schultz’s beloved Peanuts gang first made the leap from newspaper comics pages to television screens across America. It was that year that CBS first aired “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” It became an instant classic and has been aired every year since.
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Legislative Update

The path of passivity leads to destruction Nebraskans are known far and wide for their work ethic. Our state routinely has the lowest unemployment numbers in the nation and many companies seek to employ workers from here! In the Fourth of the 10 Commandments, God writes: “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work…” Imagine, God had to TELL the Israelites to take one day off every week, instead of working seven.