
Letter to the Editor

Residents of Merrick County: Merrick County operates under a system of government that is broken up into township subdivisions. The purpose of these townships within the county government structure is to have cemeteries and libraries, construct wells, protect against prairie fires, and perform other governmental functions although most township activities focus on roads. All Merrick County townships currently contract with the county to perform road functions and are in various stages of inactivity. A few townships are active but none participate at the level as they were originally intended. Merrick County has 11 townships that are broken up geographically and are not associated with any village or town.
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In the hushed light of Holy Week, as the world quiets and the heart turns inward to the tale of sacrifice and renewal that marks these sacred days, my soul finds itself wrestling with a turmoil that mirrors the very chaos of our times. It is in this solemn moment, amidst the reflection on Christ’s passion and resurrection, that a deep, yearning plea emerges from the core of my being—a plea for our leaders, for all of us, to find our way back to the path illuminated by Christ’s teachings. This plea is born from witnessing a world, and particularly the theater of our national politics, increasingly adrift from the divine compass of compassion, humility, and unconditional love.

Central City Public Schools

The Central City High School DECA chapter had the privilege to go compete at the State Career Development Conference from March 14-16. Central City had four students that competed at the State Conference. Each student chose an event that they learned about through a high school class they have taken and possibly also through their jobs. Caleb Rowe and Jack Avila both competed in Accounting Applications. Gracie Vakiner competed in Business Services Marketing. Dominic Fristoe competed in Quick Services Restaurant Management.
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Legislative Update

Vetting your candidates With the Nebraska primary less than two months away on Tuesday, May 14, and the general election on Nov. 5 this year, the campaign season is well underway. And while those seeking elected office are working to get your vote, you as a voter have an equally important job, that of investigating each candidate to see whether he or she is worthy of your vote. Two years ago I was one of those candidates crisscrossing our district, knocking on over 6,000 doors to introduce myself to our neighbors and asking for their vote. Sadly, in all those encounters only two people (both elderly ladies) asked me about my faith.
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Central City Public Schools

Gratitude. Webster defines gratitude as the state of being grateful; warm and friendly feeling toward a benefactor; kindness awakened by a favor received; thankfulness. Psychologists define gratitude as a positive emotional response that we perceive on giving or receiving a benefit from someone. Gratitude is subtle, powerful, and has the capacity to ensure strong interpersonal relationships, increase personal happiness, and have a global impact on overall physical and emotional well-being.
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Legislative Update

Taking care of the poor One time when I was flying as a co-pilot on a four-day trip with Delta Air Lines, the captain and I got into a conversation at cruise altitude about tithing and helping the poor. He and his family were church-going folks and he was a great fellow. I asked him if he tithed on his income and he replied, “No.” Next in an apparent attempt to justify his answer he explained that he paid plenty of taxes and asserted that the government helped the poor through those taxes. What he said out loud at 35,000 feet is what I suspect many believe—they have no personal obligation to help their fellow human beings because that’s what the government is for.
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As we emerge, blinking, from the cocoon of winter, it seems Mother Nature herself can’t decide whether she’s ready to leap into the Technicolor dreamcoat of spring or hang onto the frayed edges of winter’s cloak just a bit longer. Here in Central City, this indecision manifests as a climatic tango, one step forward into warmth, two steps back into a chill, leaving us all dizzy and confused, yet unmistakably entertained.
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Fischer, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Streamline TSA Certifications

U.S. Senator Deb Fischer (R-Neb.) joined her Senate colleagues in introducing legislation to standardize the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Security Clearance Process, which is used by transportation workers nationwide. The applicants often have to apply for more than one security clearance program using the same background check paperwork
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Ah, Sunshine Week, that time of year when the frosty veil of winter starts to lift and the rays of accountability and transparency begin to warm the very soul of democracy. Much like the return of the robins, Sunshine Week heralds a reawakening, but instead of flora and fauna, it’s our civic duties and responsibilities that come back into bloom.

Central City Public Schools

Behind the Scenes → Student Support at CCPS Though I’ve been employed with Central City Public Schools for six years, it did not take long for it to become evident to me that our teachers truly follow the student-centered mission we listen to each morning: to educate, challenge and prepare students with life-long skills for the world around them. I’ve been a member of this community for over a decade; however, I realize that many of my thoughts about the exceptional educators that are my colleagues stem from instances that occur behind the scenes. The public sees standardized test scores, yearly school-ratings, and the occasional social-media rants from people who are displeased. As a Special Education/Resource teacher at CCHS, I have the privilege of an inside look at multiple educators in action. Co-teaching with many different teachers throughout the years has given me the ability to provide others with countless examples of excellence in our crew of teachers. The support that I know my own children will receive is a comfort and a blessing that I’d like to share with our community.